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Results for "content_type: "Poem""
Rainfall A poem by by KidSpirit Online contributor Lyla Cheary
No Limit A poem by KidSpirit Online contributor Rand Ang Siong Lin.
The Lightbulb of Kindness A poem by KidSpirit Online contributor Camille Rutter.
Adventure Redefined A poem by KidSpirit Online contributor Adya Sarin.
From A poem by KidSpirit Online contributor Taylor-Marie Freeman.
Narcissus A poem by KidSpirit Online contributor Will Hodgkinson.
Ode to the Oaks A poem by KidSpirit Online contributor Camille Rutter.
Prayer of the Streetlight A prayer using our imagination to empathize with a streetlight.
Oneness A petition for God's help in seeing the oneness beyond our differences and protection for us all.
Meister Eckhart's Book of Secrets A poem by Meister Eckhart